SEO - Site Factors

Find out how Site Factors effect you SEO

SEO Site Factors are just what they say on the tin.

They are the technical elements that your site is made from, where it is in the world and areas you must optimise your site in order to benefit from appearing higher in Google’s search pages.

What are Site Factors?

There are certain site wide factors that can affect your sites search visibility as well.


A sitemap helps search engine to index all pages on your site. It is the simplest and most effective way to tell Google what pages your website includes.

Domain trust

Trust matters. It’s hard no to think that sites Google trusts should rank higher. But how do you build that trust? Needless to say, building trust factors of your domain will certainly pay off.

Server location

Some SEOs believe that a servers location helps to boost rankings for that specific country or region.

Mobile optimised site

Only a year ago, 46% of searchers used mobile exclusively to research. I believe this number increased exponentially in the last 12 months. It would be no surprise then that having a mobile optimised site would affected rankings in some way.

Google Webmasters Tools integration (Search Console)

Lastly, having your site verified at Google Webmasters Tools is said to help with your sites indexing. Even if that’s not the case, the tool provides valuable data you can use to better optimise your site.