SEO - Domain Factors

Find out how Domain Factors effect your SEO

The first step in acquiring  a digital presence is the domain name. There are important things to consider before you rush to register your business.

A domain level factor is anything to do with your website’s domain name (the URL address). A poor domain name or incorrectly created linked structure for website pages will, over time, compound a negative effect. 

What are Domain Factors?

Your domain can affect your rankings as well. Some of the domain signals are not as strong as they used to be, there are few things worth paying attention to.

Domain registration length

Google considers domains registered for longer than a year as more trustworthy.

Domain history

You may not be the first person who registered the domain. And if your domain has been penalised in the past, its history might affect its current rankings.

Country TLD extension

If you try to target a specific local market, it is said that having a domain with a country specific TLD (.pl, or .ie for instance) will help to achieve better rankings for that location.